May 17, 2011

nano technology

Nanotechnology is the latest advancement in the world of sciences. It refers to the constructing and engineering of the systems ion function at very micro level or we can say at atomic level. It is used to advance the present systems by implementing the new concepts related to the particular field. It uses bottom up approach to build high performance products as compared to the current market products. it is also called as general purpose technology because it has a significant influence in almost all the industries of the society in different manner. Its diversify the current extensions of the developed objects to the next level of development.

Description of working:

Nano is one billionth part of the meter in comparison to the normal carbon bond length. Complexity of engineering is increases but the Space between the molecules of an atom can be decreased or even removed with the help of nanotechnology. Two major approaches are used while working with nanotechnology


  1. bottom up
  2. top down



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